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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Thank god, hopefully in the next 24-48 hours we'll know who the next president is. Regardless of who wins, I hope everyone can rally behind them to try and get the country moving forward. I know of course that won't happen, and there will be more poo slinging than ever. But one can dream lol

  2. raid@atremains.com is actually down currently. We just moved to a new server, so we're still working on that. Side note, have Lyshanni see if he can connect to our Mumble. Default port for Mumble. Or if that is blocked for him as well.
  3. Snowing in Columbus. Don't like it one bit.

  4. East Coast friends take cover, hope to hear from you soon.

  5. Tue Oct 30 Rain / Snow / Wind 41° 37° Who let them put that S word in there?

  6. Hitting the road to see my WV clan this evening.

  7. Awesome! Glad to hear the group is making progress. Also we may be moving to Mumble instead of Vent, and I'll be able to pick the port. Have Lyshanni or whoever it was that couldn't connect to our vent because of a block port let me know what ports are open for him.
  8. Windows 8 installed... I'm not sure about this yet.

  9. Want to buy meeting where we get GOOD news. Please?

  10. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    Cunt. Muhahahahahaha
  11. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    Good good, now come together in a nice big circle jerk.
  12. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    Some of my best friends are cunts. Just saying.
  13. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    I read that as two votes for cunt. Sweet!
  14. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    I'm growing tired. Bottom line, even though there were two items, it was treated as one item as far as bidding was concerned. What we did last night will be upheld tonight. After tonight the point is moot as the rules are changing to cover the scenario and others.
  15. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    If there were two of the same item, and you knew only you and lamps would be bidding on it, why you bid higher than min in the first place is beyond me.
  16. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    As stated in the rules (until next week), if you both bid on it, the highest bidder should get it for the second highest bid +1. Did that not happen? I'm not sure what the min bid has to do with this scenario. Sazda bids 100 Lamps bids 15 Sazda wins and spends 16dkp. (lowest bid +1)
  17. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    I must have missed something. What item are you talking about? You and Lamps both bid on it? What did you both bid, and what were you charged? This was discussed by officers as well. It will be laid out in the updated rules what will happen to those we discover are trying to game the system. So if you want to do it, be our guest. Just don't complain if you get caught.
  18. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    Thanks for your feedback. We are not changing rules for the remainder of the week, with exception to saying for sure a person can get multiple items from one boss if they are the highest bidder. The officers are discussing greatly simplifying how the system works, we'll have a final version updated and posted on the site prior to next weeks raid.
  19. Ahhh love the smell of beef, garlic and soy sauce simmering away in the wok. Figured if i'm working non-stop today and haven't even been able to get pants on yet, might as well cook some good chinese food.

  20. Is Romney getting older during this debate? He looks like he might fall off his chair. Think he should drink some water.

  21. Operation randomly drive to WV to give /hug to Daniel Benson, Kat Benson, Justin Long, Cody Long, Holly Long, Tuni Shaw and Cole Simms was a success. :) Glad I got to see all of ya. Back home now, still wide awake. Guess I'll do dishes lol

  22. Tripped and fell into the state of west Virginia

  23. Just want the day to be over.

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