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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Welcome to ohio.

  2. Back on 90 west... Back through buffalo about 8

  3. Car dead, engine locked, repair more than car is worth. Maybe i'll just rent a place and stay in NY lol clearly it doesn't want me to leave.

  4. Car of doom... Glad I have caring friends though :)

  5. Knew things were going too well. Blahhhhh

  6. On the road again!

  7. Also... Apple Store... Really? All glass, all open, doors wide open and AC blowing hard and no prices. Pretentious.

  8. On the first day of vacation my true love sent to me: One production table deleted... Lets hope the song stops there..

  9. Hmm to go watch Colombiana or not to...

  10. Setting up new toy.

  11. Great White Beans, Garlic, Onions, Ham and other seasoning are in the crockpot. If there is a terror alert for Columbus, Ohio tonight... It's just me, no worries.

  12. Fright night 3d wasn't bad. No nudity though, kind of weird for horror. Now for conan!

  13. Thinking I should go watch a movie tonight. hmm


  15. To my cubical neighbors... Silviu fed me mexican for lunch. Blame him :)

  16. Little update... Days Smoke Free: 30 Days Soda Free: 35 12 pounds lost

  17. I apparently have a sixth sense for movies and times to go. @Easton... Saturday night... Only person in here again.

  18. Off to Findlay for the night

  19. As a reward for good behavior this week figured I would go watch captain america 3d at easton. Walked around for a bit, now in theater... Only person here lol.

  20. 1 Week down. 0 Smokes, 0 Sodas, 0 slips on diet, 13.19 miles walked

  21. Told Mom, hardest part is over. lol

  22. is not sure how things went from a phone call a couple weeks ago saying he might have diabetes, come in for tests. To today the first thing I am told is yes you have diabetes, these tests are just to find out how bad. Oh happy day...

  23. Test for Diabetes in the morning per doctors orders... Yep not going to be able to sleep tonight lol

  24. Must resist urge to kill stupid people.... Must resist...

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