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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Do whatever ya want, but for a 10 man I think you'd be fine with just rolls and being honest. You don't need the overhead of DKP or loot council with that.
  2. Went ahead and voted today down at the early voting center. Felt really bad for the lone old man wearing a red Romney shirt in the sea of Obama supporters there. OK not really, I laughed out loud. But still.

  3. Swiss Rolls are a gateway drug. I suddenly want a pumpkin roll.

  4. I need to go to the store. But it is saturday and stores suck on weekends. Especially in the morning. Boo I say, Boo.

  5. Ve hav vays ov making yew tok... The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English". In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c".. Sertainly, this will make the sivil...

  6. I was on that fight, and he was still consistently higher than myself. Was talking more about the fight last night though. Single target.
  7. If you're getting on it then I would definitely like a video.
  8. Three things. 1. It should have been a video, slacker. 2. Tourin would never replace the tattoo of Moot on his ass with your ugly face. 3. Meeting if you missed it can be found here: A reminder of what these posts were like when Rebel didn't slack...
  9. Yes I wasn't a baddie and remembered to run WoL last night. I will always do so. I need to make some gear and rotation tweaks. Seihai shouldn't be beating me. =D
  10. It's pretty nifty. At the same time though it might be depressing. lol
  11. Just a reminder to our hundred+ members, that I personally am paying out $480 a year not including domain renewals or the occasional plane/train ticket giggle. You are encouraged to donate to support these services. Anything received above and beyond the yearly cost of the website and vent can either be refunded, pooled into a ATR Annual Party fund or something else that benefits this guild. Obviously not a requirement. I don't know if we want to do a dkp reward as incentive like we have in the past or not. So far for this entire year starting January 1st, we have two people that have donated for the site and vent. A total of $15. (Not including the Jess and Sazda donation toward a plane ticket.) Donate by going to our Home Page and clicking the Donate button on the top right hand side of the screen.
  12. Tim Foster needs to stop calling me. If he wants to go out he just has to ask... Sheesh. Larry Lindeen you know what i'm talking about.

  13. Impromptu guild meeting 10/8/2012 if you are bored and want to listen. About 54 megs. GuildMeeting.wmv
  14. Pretty sure today I've been taking two steps forward and twelve back.

  15. Steaks at Mom and Dads

  16. Bored and not tired. Never a good thing.

  17. One day I want to steal someone's status word for word and see if they notice.

  18. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    He wants to discuss the numbers with you. Fine with the rules, just wants to hash out the final numbers. And since you're more computer savy you might have better luck with the config file than Gump. I've configured it before so if either of you have a question let me know. Though it has changed a bit since last time.
  19. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    The general concern with posting everyones DKP numbers are people collaborating to spend as little as possible on an item. Or knowing exactly how much other players of their class have so you now what the most is they could possibly bid, letting you bid one over that and getting the item. Not showing the DKP amounts just makes it a little more fair, and people tend to bid what they think the item is worth, not what they know will screw other people. Snuggle and Gump will have to get together and finalize the config for the QDKP addon and push it out to all officers so we all have the correct configuration.
  20. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    This is not final. FYI Rules are subject to change as we finalize details. This is a rough draft.
  21. Unholy

    DKP System Rules

    About the DKP System: We are using a silent bid DKP system using an in-game DKP addon. The normal members will NOT need to run any addons. Only gear upgrades will be distributed via DKP. Most other gear (Patterns, Legendaries) will be distributed via Loot Council. Any items that are decided via loot council but are still a gear upgrade (Like legendaries) will still incur a DKP cost. All BOE’s that are main spec upgrades will be offered for DKP bidding. If nobody bids on the item, they will be put in the gbank for a period of a few days before they are sold for the benefit of the guild's gold stores. Anybody can purchase a main spec BOE item from the guild bank for minimum DKP. It should go without saying that you can only bid on a BOE item if it’s a main spec upgrade and you’re going to use it immediately. Anybody caught selling a BOE item obtained via DKP bidding will be immediately expelled from the guild. Crafting Mats will be auctioned after raid once enough of these items are accumulated to craft a single piece. Points are earned for raid attendance. All members are awarded 5 DKP per hour and all members are awarded 10 DKP at the end of the raid if they were there for the entire raid. Members who are wait-listed will still earn DKP as if they are in the raid but this DKP will be cancelled if you are not able to be contacted to come back into the raid. No members will be able to see anybody’s DKP other than their own. You should be bidding on how much YOU think an item is worth. The officers may award extra DKP on the first kill of a boss if it was a particularly challenging boss (To award everyone who showed up and wiped with us to get the boss down). All main spec items cost 5 DKP minimum. All off spec items cost 2 DKP minimum. Only eligible off spec bidders are able to bid on off spec items. Off spec means that you are bidding on items for a different ROLE with a different TYPE of gear needed. Examples would be a main spec Paladin Tank whose offspec is Ret or a main spec Restoration Shaman Healer whose off spec is Enhancement. An item with slightly better itemization is still going to cost you the normal amount of DKP and is not counted as an offspec item. The officers will decide who is eligible to vote on off spec items and a list of eligible off spec bidders will be maintained on our forums. Every character will only be able to have one off spec. The general rule of thumb is that a player must be able to play the off spec with as much proficiency as their main spec and must keep all of their gear properly prepared and come with necessary consumables for their off spec. The point of designating off spec players is to ensure that our raid has the flexibility to adjust for fights with different healing/tanking requirements or to compensate for absences in a specific role. How an item is bidded out: When an item comes up for bidding, the loot master will place the item into raid chat for MAIN SPEC bidding. The members will then whisper the loot master with how much DKP they wish to spend on the item. After all bids are entered (You only have about 15 seconds), the loot master will announce the winning bid and award the item. The winner will be the person who bid the most DKP and they will be charged 1 DKP more than the next lowest bid. (Example: Player 1 bids 10 DKP and Player 2 bids 15 DKP. Player 2 will win the item and be charged 11 DKP.) If nobody places a main spec bid, the loot master will then offer the item for eligible off spec bidders to bid on. Off spec bidders are only able to bid minimum for items and ONLY off spec eligible looters are able to bid on off spec items. If there are any ties, the tied players will be asked to roll and the highest roll will win the item and be charged for the item. If you bid for an item and are awarded for an item, you WILL be charged for the item. If the loot master is bidding for an item, he/she will whisper another officer with their bid before the item comes up for bid. This is to prevent the officer from bidding depending on what other people bid. DKP Decay and DKP Probation: We want to encourage and highlight recent activity over historical activity. Every week, everybody’s DKP will decay by 10%. This is meant to discourage DKP stacking (So people all spend DKP equally and get geared equally) and prevent DKP bullying of new members. We only raid two days a week so we need to ensure that the members who help us progress have a higher priority for gear than somebody who doesn’t. As such, there is a DKP probation status for members who are not meeting attendance requirements. All DKP will also decay by 50% at the start of a new raid tier. If any member has two unexcused absences or three excused absences in a rolling four week period but still claims to be active, they are put on a DKP probationary period. During this time, the member can only bid minimum bid on all drops. The DKP probationary period will last until the member has made four consecutive raids. New members are subject to the same DKP probationary period.
  22. Yeah I have no gems or enchants yet. Nothing that can't be fixed prior to raid start time tonight. I have no idea what my stat priority is now as a shadow priest. hit cap, and all the int I can muster of course. But beyond that not sure if it's haste, mast, crit or what anymore.
  23. Uhg not looking forward to work tomorrow.

  24. Hurry up and wait! Theme of the day. Sitting at church waiting for wedding to get started.

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