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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Mmmm Country Sausage and Gravy @ Perkins in West Virginia.

  2. i'm awake sure I am

  3. Unholy

    Site Updates

    Liking the changes. Homepage looks really nice.
  4. Mists of Pandaria release in T-4 Hours 30 minutes. Just finished watching The Hunger Games. Next up Snow White and the Huntsman.

  5. I put a warm diet coke, and a cold diet coke in the freezer. The warm one froze first. Discuss.

  6. I take after my grandmother absolutely. I just boiled a bunch of chicken to make casserole and I couldn't help but keep the broth for noodles later this week lol

  7. yep a Chop Suey kinda day

  8. Thinking I will be breaking out the wok for dinner tomorrow.

  9. Must go to sleep. But wide awake. Damn my afternoon nap!

  10. It's too early/late to be logged into work. Who needs disk space anyway. Silly servers.

  11. 11 Years ago today... I was in bed trying to sleep before I had to go to class. My computer was going crazy with messages on AIM and IRC, my cell and home phone wouldn't stop ringing. I tried my best to ignore it but eventually got out of bed. None of the messages said what was happening, just to turn on the TV. I could only sit there in stunned silence. Mom was calling worried that Columbus might be attacked. We cried when the first building fell. Honestly shocked that we haven't suffered mo...

  12. Betting this will be a shitty week.

  13. Headed to Findlay for the night.

  14. Such a blast from the past setting up these Tiffin employees. Don't really have anyone at work here to share the joy with though since most from the days of Tiffin are gone lol.

  15. Can peoples parents stop going to the hospital please? Thank you.
  16. Feel like poo this morning. Actually think poo would be an upgrade. Gonna blame the catfish I got from Kroger on this one.

  17. Yeah I told him earlier today to throw on some cheap pvp gear from the AH to get into LFR to start getting geared.
  18. So my sun burned bald spot just started peeling. Great. Now it's like I have a bad case of dandruff. lol

  19. Come on Friday get here already. First week back after a good vacation is always rough.

  20. Ah phone calls from work. I did not miss you. :)

  21. Airport at 630am... Blah come on sleep find me.

  22. Did the whole AMC Dine in Theater thing with James Huls to watch Total Recall. Was weird having a waitress during a movie and getting your food and drinks served at your seat lol. Kinda liked it though. They did pretty well to be unobstructive during the movie. And didn't bother you during the movie unless you pressed a button saying hey I want something.

  23. Pretty sure I have sun burn on my bald spot... Damn genetics.

  24. Fireworks were awesome last night. Wind died down and skies cleared up just in time. Almost an hours worth of explosions. Worth it! Also dozen or so meteors sighted.

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