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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Party coming to a close. Was a fantastic time. getting ready to head back to Ohio. Picture fun later!

  2. On the Road. See you soon peoples!

  3. At airport. Never been here before. Nifty.

  4. Ok shopping done. Save for fireworks tomorrow. Probably spent too much, may have to slightly reduce explosives budget lol

  5. So... Fyi if you fill a shopping cart over the top with beer... You will break a wheel. Opps

  6. Can't sleep. Too excited lol fun starts tomorrow.

  7. And my internet just came back up. Clearly it is routed through mars for some reason. Thank you USB internet connection through phone! For without you I would have missed this.

  8. I really need that annon facebook page to vent about work with no negative side effects. Now that I've been logged in for 6 hours on first day of vacation, I can call it quits until the next phone call.

  9. Well tomorrow was to be day #1 of vacation. But already told I have to work in the morning. That's fine. Not like I gave 6 months notice of said vacation. Oh wait...

  10. Man I should not have had that McD for breakfast. Feeling torn up inside. May be blasting down the walls shortly.

  11. Anyone else planning on staying up Sunday night to watch Nasa TV? Live coverage of the mars Curiosity landing..

  12. In Findlay. What to do tonight?

  13. Off to Findlay

  14. Really London? Your answer to Beijin.... Mr Bean? Guess I shouldn't be surprised.

  15. Might rain...

  16. Bring it on storms! I'm ready.

  17. I can only explain the same concept sooooooooooo many ways before I have to give up and declare you stupid.

  18. I'm going to be an Uncle! Congratulations to Marilou Smith and my oldest brother Kevin!

  19. Is tomorrow really Monday already? :(

  20. Was thinking of hitting up a movie. But really have no desire for bats or spiders. And have already seen Ted. Hrmph nothing else looks goods.

  21. hm should I go to the store, or order pizza

  22. Hm how much Bailey's® Irish cream and Kahlúa would I need for 28 blowjobs? Thinking a fun video. Don't ask... lol

  23. :( I just wanted a nice quiet Friday. No such luck.
  24. Power is out. Really? Hurricane level storm no issue. Little storm today poof.

  25. 3 weeks until vacation...

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