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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Is pulling an all-nighter. You will not beat me deadlines!

  2. Was overdue for some chinese food. That issue has been fixed.

  3. Made it through most of the day thinking it was saturday. It isn't... Sigh

  4. Happy new years everyone. Be safe and smart.

  5. Gas this morning: $2.97 Gas now: $3.19 Did I miss something? Glad I filled up this morning lol

  6. Is it really Monday? :(

  7. In tiffin... For a few hours at least. Then who knows lol

  8. Happy Holidays everyone

  9. Ah another 4 am night. Guess it is two hours earlier than previous days.

  10. Todays theme... Cluster fuck

  11. Can I go to bed yet? Blah

  12. Let it snow let it snow let it snow.

  13. Was a good weekend. Nothing better than old employer buying you dinner to make you feel worth something lol

  14. thinks it's a night for Chinese food. Home cooked of course.

  15. Is looking forward to obama on the daily show tonight.

  16. My wife is coming to corporate! Someone should have told me! Also think I confused some people lol

  17. Making a pizza casserole for dinner tonight. Will probably last me the whole weekend.

  18. thinks it is still Monday.

  19. Happy 10/10/10 everyone.

  20. Popular guy today... Wish my cube came with a door and a lock lol.

  21. Headed to findlay and tiffin.

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