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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. This damned SSRS Matrix report will do what I want it to do, if it is the last freaking thing I do today. DIE

  2. Man... Sad that when I get home my bed won't be made and have mints on the pillow. Been spoiled the last five days. Just have to remind myself next vacation starts August 3rd - 13th

  3. Based on phone call from work at start of weekend, and subsequent meeting scheduled for Monday afternoon. I have a feeling I'll need a drink after work. Or some more BBQ

  4. Back in Columbus. Soon as I get food and pee I will be playing with photos.

  5. Man... Really don't want to drive the nine hours home. Can I just stay? Lol

  6. Wedding was fantastic, so happy for Sean and Crystal. Pictures later!

  7. At Dinosaur BBQ

  8. Checking out of DE and heading to NY

  9. In Philly, Mission: Cheesesteak

  10. Today's happy accident: Hotel I stumbled to last night has a make your own waffle station.

  11. Non plan plan activate!

  12. Happy 4th people. Blow stuff up!

  13. Today is my Friday. Yay! Who to stalk until I need to be at hotel in Albany on Friday... Hmmm

  14. Anderson Cooper just came out. I'd say that's a win. Sexiest news host. :)

  15. Got my EZPass! Officially ready for Sean Papps and Crystal Taylor :)

  16. Come on short week, I'm ready. Wed and Fri off. Thinking I should have taken Thursday off too

  17. Looks like a handful or storms going to roll through. Thinking I should cook dinner now just in case lol

  18. What to do today...

  19. Feel bad for all the people without power. Mine didn't even blink.

  20. Pst... Don't tell anyone but it is freaking hot outside.

  21. I bet Obama just got a boner.

  22. Ez Pass ordered. Wonder if it will show up before next Friday. Take that toll roads!

  23. Am I reading that right, 101º tomorrow?

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