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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. 3 weeks. It is nice waking up and not coughing up a lung anymore. I know, weird right? lol

  2. furniture in place, carpet cleaned apartment no longer has essence of tobacco. It's a nice change.

  3. 1 week smoke free.

  4. is pissed. Doesn't like it when friends get fired.

  5. blah the feeling of poo continues.

  6. feels like poo. Blah I can't afford to be sick.

  7. Columbus Pride Weekend.... Hmmmm

  8. was up until 4 with work, then woken up 3 1/2 hours later for work, and still hasn't made it back to a pillow. FML

  9. is ready for a nap.

  10. I see Mastric has been playing again.

  11. I fully expected to see the hedge hog in a stroller... :)

  12. Is it wrong that I think Shahzad is kinda hot? For a terrorist that is.

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