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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Yeah besides our Conquest 64 I don't plan on having any additional 64 player ones unless a demand for it starts. Primary reason for 48 is it seems to be a happy number between 32 and 64 that gives us more stability. If 16 people drop from a 48 player server when a round ends, that server is far less likely to die because it's still got 32 players in it. And yes of course people like a clusterfuck more often than not lol.
  2. You have to own a copy of the game. So you either need to seed with your normal account or buy another copy.
  3. Ok, pending any big disagreement from the two council members who haven't responded already, this is what is happening starting tomorrow morning. Mixed Mode 32 Player (Official) will be going away. It's not expected that we can adequately ever have this server as Ranked and it pop properly. Conquest 32 Player (Official) will be moving to Ranked. We actually already did this today, and it's already full. With 16 slots from Mixed Mode coming to this, it will become Conquest 48 Player Ranked. TDM 32 Player (Official) will be moving to ranked. With 16 slots from Mixed Mode coming to this, it will become TDM 48 Player Ranked. Both those servers will remain Base Maps, and this will mean we will have four ranked 48 player servers. Two Conquest, Two TDM each having a Base Maps and All Maps version. Many of our new members have come in not having premium, and ended up buying premium as a result of meeting us and playing with us. So we think it's important to keep each variety. So the end result is we're going to have 8 servers instead of 9. We will have the same maximum player count as before though. 384 Max Players. As they are currently all will remain High Tickrate at either 40 or 60 Hz. 6-48 Player servers, 1-32 Player server and 1 64-Player server. We may increase ticket counts on the new larger servers. TDM in particular I know other servers that go 400 tickets all maps have done well. Far too many complaints of hackers/bigots in our official servers, going ranked on the remaining 2 officials means we'll finally have control over every server. Also we have been around 5 months now, we can succeed without the quick play traffic. With the StarWars beta being over, weather getting colder, having one less server to pop, I think we can kick butt. This weekend will be the first test, so I hope to see as many of you on as possible. Love, Happy
  4. Sigh. I hope the scammers rot in hell. They took advantage of my grandfather as well, he sold everything that was his, my grandmothers and family he could get his hands on, took out loans, borrowed from family and so on hoping to get that big "pay day" from some Jamaican. Even after being told so many times the phone calls and e-mails were scams.

  5. Fiserv has over 500 openings world wide. Looking for work? https://fiserv.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/EXT/jobs

  6. We may try one at a higher rate, but 60 seems to be the most widely adopted. The strain on the server, and number of people who can run something higher may be (will most likely be) prohibiting.
  7. ""Water simulation (waves) seems to degrade over time (Maps like Paracel Storm, Hainan Resort, Lancang Dam in particular), causing server to behave worse over time (Fixed in Fall Patch)"
  8. Talked with NFO CEO. Suggested removing a couple maps from the CQ Large and try again. So, trying again.
  9. Reducing tickrate back to 30 on Conquest Large and two of the official servers. Just too much for single server. Will remain 60Hz on all other ranked servers and mixed mode for the time being.
  10. ATR Gamers is the FIRST and so far (as of 4:30 AM EST) the ONLY group to have the new high tickrate servers up and running! ATRGamers.com |HIGH TICKRATE CONQUEST #1 |60 HZ| VANILLA MAPS | ATRGamers.com |HIGH TICKRATE CONQUEST #2 |60 HZ| ALL MAPS | ATRGamers.com |HIGH TICKRATE MIXED MODE |60 HZ| VOTE MAP | ATRGamers.com |HIGH TICKRATE TDM #1 |60 HZ| VANILLA MAPS | ATRGamers.com |HIGH TICKRATE TDM #2 |60 HZ| ALL MAPS | Now we may not be able to run all servers at a higher tickrate, and we may be pushing it starting out with 5. But we're going to test this out and see how the server handles it. Get the seeders fired up! Hope we can get these filled fast today! Love, Happy
  11. Already have the Presidential Suite booked! Can't wait! You're all invited. Let your nerd out for a weekend. :)

  12. Battlefield 4 can always use more players if you want a break from WoW
  13. The point may be moot if donations don't pick up lol All our servers are 32P (small) except the Conquest Large server. But yes what we try to do is get the smaller servers first, namely the official servers. We're at 50/50 on Official/Ranked currently. Then we try and figure out which of the remaining ranked servers will pop the fastest. I'll move Lost Islands up to the first ranked server we try and populate today. We'll give it a little time and drop it down as needed. I think HC Graveyard will be falling on the order, spent several hours in there last night before it got moving. Rush All, even though it was late picked up pubs pretty quick. So the order as it stands: Little Conq (Official) Little More Conq (Official) Best of TDM (Official) Mixed Mode (Official) Graveyard Normal (Official) Lost Islands (Ranked) Vanilla Rush (Ranked) CQ Large (Ranked) Rush All (Ranked) Graveyard Hardcore (Ranked) Best of TDM was accidentally set to vanilla maps only, instead of the mix of all dlcs we'd picked for the "best of" maps. And with vanilla only stayed completely full all night. Until I "fixed" it and put the mixed list on it and killed it. I put it back to Vanilla only and it's recovering pretty fast. If we see that trend again tonight, may leave as vanilla and be the next server we move to Ranked. None of this is set in stone. Definitely appreciate feedback, in particular from those that see what is going on throughout the day. So thank you @QQMe71 for the thoughts! The new normal for us is getting to about 300 or more every night. So I think we have the right mix of servers, just need to tweak order and slowly move more to ranked. So as long as VIP, Sponsors and donations come in to cover the cost of the servers we're in damned good shape.
  14. Thank you for Sponsoring a server @QQMe71 Any particular one you'd like your name on?
  15. Honestly there is some possibility to this. Servers people are actually willing to pay for should be given more priority. Any server in particular? You know me. I'm a Lost kind of guyLost is a difficult one. Holiday weekend with double xp couldn't fill it when all other servers had queues which was disappointing. When we can get it going, it dies out quickly once members leave. So the fear of course would be sitting in it all day and not getting to other servers that will pop and stay popped. Then the question of course is how long do we stay in a server before moving to the next one on the list. Further, if all servers are sponsored (the dream), what do we do then. We go back to what we do now which is try and order them via what we believe will pop fastest at that time of day. Things to consider. Council should weigh in as well. I'm not against bumping it up a little, see if it does better if we try popping it closer to 5 or 6 est.
  16. Honestly there is some possibility to this. Servers people are actually willing to pay for should be given more priority. Any server in particular?
  17. Hello Gamers, A few people have asked in the past, and several brought it up during our last meeting that they would like to be able to subscribe to VIP or Server Sponsors so they don't have to remember to do it each month. Happy to announce that if you purchase VIP or a Server Sponsor from the Store you now have the option to donate just once, or select the Paypal Subscription (available during checkout) and have it done monthly. http://www.atrgamers.com/store/ Server sponsors are just starting, just subscribed myself. Sponsoring a server will get you VIP of course on all servers, your name added in-game on one of our servers showing you support us, additional icon in TS, and we will be adding a sponsor section as we want those people helping pay a little more than VIPs each month to have more say on the servers we have. Hope to get some of your names on these servers showing your support! As always, no member is required to donate. We do hope that those who are able to help support the group do so however they can. This is not just for Battlefield either, our server provides for these forums, the Teamspeak and the other games that we run such as Minecraft and ARK. Love, Happy
  18. Oh how I wish someone would actually do this just to expose the hypocrisy of it all.

  19. Had I known, would have spent effort on getting Imcute's pants off. Damn you both.
  20. Just a quick congratulations to our Battlefield Group on breaking 300 players for the first time tonight! Great effort by our members and a quick poll of our Hardcore players getting mixed mode hardcore popped fast! Also first time every BF4 server has been filled. Know there are some changes going on. But we're going to continue to kick some ass!
  21. So I'm just a few days away from when I made a random post about making a change in my life a year ago. Proud to say that this weekend will mark a full year where I didn't have a single smoke, toke or vape. This coming Monday I believe I'll be embarking on my next challenge.

  22. Typically, it's hosted at the Hilton Garden Inn, in Troy, NY. Hoping we can have it there again. Most get their own room, or buddy up. Past two years I've gotten the presidential suite.
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