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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Man I am ready for bed. Real job plus consulting job equal tired brain.

  2. A lot of information to take in. Lot of new standards, security and procedures. Lot of new names and faces to figure out lol. Typical first day things. All good though :) Ready for day 2 of new job and day 1 of consulting for old job tomorrow. Weeeee!

  3. In addition to starting my new job today, it's also been 21 weeks since my last smoke. 5 more until I'm at half a year already! Where did the time go?

  4. Come on Monday, get here. For once I'm excited lol

  5. Since I'm upgrading my apartment in the next month, the pre-move deep cleaning has begun. Here's hoping I don't keel over from fumes lol. Bathroom in progress!

  6. Farewell PCCW (ok more of a see you around). Just wanted to take a moment and thank all the wonderful people I've worked with over these past 9 years. All of you have definitely shaped my life and career and made those years the best of my life so far. As I move on to Fiserv Monday in my new role of Senior Database Analyst I am certain many of you will still be a part of my life. I know some are concerned with my parting, but rest assured I will continue to work with PCCW on various projec...

  7. Man these two weeks flew by faster than I could have imagined. Tomorrow is bound to be a roller coaster ride of a day saying goodbyes and figuring out some kind of goodbye message, filling out forms, finishing up a project and trying to squeeze out some more knowledge in the little to no time remaining. Already teared up a bit today just from nice messages from Duane and Barbara. All Melonies fault lol.

  8. Thank you Shadow Copy! Almost cried for a moment there.

  9. So... Is it Monday yet? =X

  10. Must stay awake so I'm not back up at midnight and wanting to go into work like a mad man.

  11. Thank you Julius for rescuing me from the Cold since I couldn't get into the building with my card and my work wife Melonie is incapacitated lol.

  12. Ya know.. When you're being tasked with covering an entire department and need to figure out 9 years or so of app dev projects... You might want to show up a little early, or at least on time. -.-

  13. So confused. What was historic about this football game? Don't know crap about it lol. Why is everyone so nuts about this?

  14. Soooooooooo ready for a nap. Up all night and in the office before 5 to get this damned project done.

  15. That feeling in your stomach when you've been working for a couple hours on a page in Visual Studio, haven't saved like a fool, and the "A problem has been encountered with Visual Studio" popup displays. *cry*

  16. uhhhg still too much to do before tomorrow

  17. Actually searching for winter coat. Booo!

  18. Blah why am I still awake. Didn't even get a lunch time nap today!

  19. Really weather? Is this because people thought it'd be a cold day in hell before I left?

  20. I have to start wearing pants again tomorrow. Ohhh the humanity!

  21. Toooooooo much to do. Going to be an interesting start of the new year. :)

  22. Happy New Year's!

  23. I made waaaaay too much Sirloin chili yesterday. Going to have to finish that tonight and save my pork and kraut for tomorrow lol

  24. Soooo full of steak and broccoli.

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