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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Can't wait! Hopefully everyone shows up and we can get an early start on this. I have no doubt we can down it tonight if that happens.
  2. North Carolina... You're dumb. That is all.

  3. I have a strong craving for NESQUIK® Strawberry which I haven't had since grade school. I blame The Big Bang Theory.

  4. Uhg I'm one giant snot bubble today.

  5. The Avengers probably best movie I have seen in a long time. Imax 3d worth it!!

  6. Watching a TV Show on Netflix called: Reaper Pretty good lol

  7. Google: zerg rush

  8. Thinking I should try and catch a movie tonight at AMC Easton. Hmm

  9. "It's not that bad" you say? Good god man... That's nasty. Fucking put a towel under your ass.
  10. 2/25? Well you're two months late telling us, but ok.
  11. Oh Monday... You weren't missed at all.

  12. Jess you're always wanted. We were discussing three different people, yes Snugg named you first but by no means was his the final say. We were in the process of sitting someone else (one of the new guys), not you, when you dropped group and logged off. No you're not top dps, but you never fail at mechanics and we of course love you. So you and Gump please remember there is more than one officer in the guild, there were obvious objections by myself and others to you being sat over a trial, which is why in the end we decided on a trial not you. So if the topic comes up again please wait! You've sat out more than others only because Gump reminds us often that you have other things you want to do. But obviously if you want in we're keeping you in with whatever spec you prefer. Love you long time, Unholy
  13. Clearly I think better at almost 2am... Issue at work a couple people have been banging their head against for a couple days just snapped into focus and I'm pretty sure i've solved the mystery of the evil duplicates.

  14. Mental Note: If I put a butchers knife in the dishwasher, put it point down. Or keep the dishwasher closed up... I very nearly died slipping on an icecube almost falling backwards directly on said knife. Almost took the fridge with me but managed to stop halfway.

  15. I need to take a vacation.

  16. My brain hurts, what a week. And it isn't over :( if ever I wanted to play hooky it is today, but nooo.

  17. In Findlay, then to Tiffin, then back home tomorrow.

  18. Why am I getting phone calls from recruiters on my office phone? Weirdos

  19. Starting to see gray/silver hairs... Think I now know what happened to Silviu Golumbeanu...

  20. Damn my 100% attendance! Sounds like I need to miss some days.
  21. As usual, I'm forgotten.
  22. 80º+ this week? Did we skip a month or two?

  23. is getting tied of calls about issues with something he didn't write and has no option but to call the person who did each time.

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