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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. 70's all week. I can live with that.

  2. If desperate and need my mage let me know.
  3. Good job Ohio. Santorum: The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.

  4. This weeks Steam Menu: Tuesday: Catfish Wednesday: Codfish Thursday: Salmon Seems very fishy to me.

  5. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes :)

  6. Uhg nothing like getting up tomorrow on my bday to go to the gym and get weighed... happy bday! lols Then to work... Haven't gone to work on my bday in probably 12 years. Exciting.

  7. Is it weird I want to eat some corn tomorrow just to have a bookmark? If you know what I mean.... Lols

  8. Hope some good storms develop today :)

  9. Someone upstairs had bw3 brought in. Smelled so good. May have to be bad and get some for dinner. Just have to workout that much harder in the morning lol

  10. Unholy

    02/29 Raid

    /Agree Life happens. No worries.
  11. Steamed Tilapia and veggies for dinner. Wasn't bad if I do say so myself.

  12. Two miles uphill to start my day. Dogs are barking :(

  13. Do I really turn 30 in a week? Yikes.

  14. Headed to Findlay for the evening

  15. 2:30 AM call from work and getting up at 5 don't mix.

  16. We doing this tonight? If so I'm in.
  17. A nice couple mile uphill climb to start the week. Ouch

  18. Not looking forward to being on call this week, with the whole getting up at 5am for gym thing

  19. Feel a LITTLE bad scanning a Black & Tan into MyFitnessPal... But damnit i've been moving furniture all weekend and setting up a new mattress set. I deserve a beer. Blame Heather M Losey for telling me she was having one last night.

  20. Turning 30 in a few weeks... and just ordered my first mattress set.. lol Wasn't expecting it for a couple weeks, but they just called and said they'd be here before 8. Gahhhh must find bedroom fast

  21. Ohhhh it burns! *and not when I pee

  22. That's sweet! Congrats!
  23. Anyone have a pair of arms and legs I can buy? Up and down up and down blahhhh stairs and push ups this morning that I don't think I've done since high school.

  24. Hope everyone enjoys their VD today. Giggle.

  25. Must stay awake.... blahhhh

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