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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Yep... Time for bed.

  2. Balls everywhere lol

  3. I am awake... Sure I am.

  4. Welp... That will teach me to stay up til 5am... Get called 30 minutes later to log into work. Blahhhhh

  5. I wanna go to bed QQ

  6. I do not miss the 4am phone calls... lol

  7. Was a good Christmas, but also glad to be back home.

  8. Merry Moooomas everyone.

  9. Lord Unholyfaith

  10. SWTOR: The Fatman Don't believe the Q times, you'll be in 15 minutes or less. Even at 600 in line.

  11. SWTOR: Looks like we may be switching from The Fatman to Dead Weight

  12. 12:01 AM SWTOR officially released... Already 330 in Q for my server. Evil lol

  13. Is it wrong to have Star Wars marathon on Spike TV while playing SWTOR on the computer all day?

  14. Columbus, OH, United States 12/16/2011 6:05 A.M. Arrival Scan

  15. Gamestop shipped early, sweeeet

  16. WTB actual DBA....

  17. I the only one that can't get gchat to work in SWTOR? Blah! Is it level/location restricted? lols

  18. Why oh Why hasn't my SWTOR early access begun?!

  19. Uhg so much to do late tonight/early tomorrow for launch of new HRS and Team apps. Going to be a long Monday

  20. I've started playing with fire. Which while sounds bad, is fun (on the mage.)
  21. 10 mans are always easier, so I'm sure Prydains group will get it.
  22. *bangs head repeatedly on desk*

  23. I realize now it is impossible to make spaghetti without spilling some noodles from the box on the stove and floor. Clearly I shouldn't have made fun of my grandmother for doing it when I was younger.

  24. Hugo 3D at Easton 10:30

  25. Hmm what to watch in the theater this weekend.

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