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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. 6 1/2 lbs corned beef, 2 large cabbages, 2 large onions, bag of Irish potatoes, lots of baby carrots and of course a bottle of beer. That's how you do it right.

  2. Definitely a corned beef and cabbage kinda night. Feel bad for my neighbors.

  3. Cousin trying to get 15 month old Felix to say "Nicky", baby points at me and pretty clearly says "Gay". So rude! And silly!

  4. In Findlay through sunday afternoon.

  5. Thank you all for the bday wishes :)

  6. $50 to fill up this morning. Sigh

  7. That's strange we had no issues on it last night. I wasn't running logs though so I can't compare.
  8. "i can test the accessibility with positive result, thanks very much." Does this mean what I did worked?

  9. Ah love cooking a roast, mashed potatoes and noodles. Reminds me of Grandma's house on Sundays when I was younger.

  10. Unholy

    Cho'gall DIES

    Oh I was so happy to see that bastard die. But then sad when Tulli stole my shoulders *sniff* Oh well just means we have to down him again lol
  11. Cho'gal Down! 2/21/2011 http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-m92kie2z2z12uvc7/
  12. From the album: Unholy WTF?

    I'm a sexy cow... lol I love the head gear! =D
  13. Jury Duty? Really findlay, I don't like you.

  14. Just saw this. I like it! haha
  15. Cho'gal attempts tonight: http://www.worldoflo...gdo2t4g0pg0kwa/ Logs for 5 of the 6 bosses we downed tonight 2/15/2011: http://www.worldoflo...mnkjelao5yubwp/
  16. Headed to Findlay/Tiffin for the evening.

  17. Mmmm a bowl of irish potatoe soup and a pot roast melt. Thank you Jasons Deli for warming my evening.

  18. Yeah he can't spell either. But we still love him. I have the Chimaeron fight fraps'd. I DC'd at the start of our last council attempt so I didn't start recording, fail on my part.
  19. 8 hours just flies by and you get so much done with no one here to interrupt you.

  20. Unholy

    I'm done

    Eh... I figured this would happen at some point. Some people take the whole "oh we're just joking with you" thing too far.
  21. I wanted to share the love. But you started talking about being in a monogamous relationship and blah blah blah boring...
  22. Nooooooo! I bought cookies and left them at the U-Scan check out! I'm sorry cookies! You will be missed :(

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