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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Making a pizza casserole for dinner tonight. Will probably last me the whole weekend.

  2. thinks it is still Monday.

  3. Newma's always going to be chasing this dragon...
  4. From the album: Unholy WTF?

    So romantic... Sadly moments later he gets MC'd and kills me...
  5. Happy 10/10/10 everyone.

  6. Popular guy today... Wish my cube came with a door and a lock lol.

  7. Well that's not a great picture... lol Send the better ones directly to my e-mail. nsmith25@insight.rr.com =D
  8. Headed to findlay and tiffin.

  9. Rally to restore sanity! Road trip! 10/30/10

  10. Just to be sure Boredman it's Elizabethtown right?
  11. Newma! I love you, but read this. =)
  12. Hope Sasha is ok. We all need to take bit of a break from time to time. When my Dreams become leveling quests... I know i need to take a break. That's why i'm going out of town this weekend. See you Saturday Boredman!
  13. Nothing like getting pulled over when already late... Especially when it isn't because you were speeding but because the statey was an old friend.

  14. After going shopping... I feel old. Actually reading labels... Sodium is popular.. lol

  15. Thinking steak for dinner tonight...

  16. Tomorrow isn't going to be fun. It's been more than 10 years since my last...

  17. So just to be clear, you're saying Prydain is hung?
  18. Damnit Rebel, it was supposed to be a video post!
  19. I dislike payroll sometimes. But i am making chop duet for dinner tonight so that will cheer me up. Mmmm

  20. I am ready for a nap. I blame google...

  21. Already gave my suggestion on how to pay for wow.
  22. Off to Findlay and maybe Tiffin. Will return Sunday night.

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