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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. All I can say is thank god you're cute.
  2. It's going to be a long day.

  3. Well they just drove off in my car... maybe they will bring me back a new one? Lol

  4. Unless one of the kids is 'stuck in something' you have no excuse not to raid! Not that they'd ever get stuck in anything... =D Like you know... DVDs...
  5. I agree with Geedub. I prefer the tasty brown sugar. But I wouldn't turn down the satisfactory molasses... =D
  6. It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.

  7. My scalp is peeling from too much sun over the weekend. It hurts and i feel diseased.

  8. Jess every officer was telling him to stay in the raid. All of us offered to sit instead of him, we also gave suggestions on who was slacking and could be sat. We didn't ask him to sit, we would never do that. I'm still confused as to why he felt he needed to, and he just ignored us when we asked him to stay. So I don't know what we could have done differently. We just didn't say anything in raid chat because we didn't want the entire raid to derail from people doing what Cyianna did and inflating the issue in raid chat. When Polished got on late it was suggested that he be used to replace someone if they weren't performing. So I don't understand how gump got the idea he needed to sit. Unless i'm missing something. As for smart ass comments, I only made some because I was pissed he did sit himself after we told him not to and none of us could figure out what his deal was.
  9. "The veils of laziness and lack of effort previously hidden by sub-par standards were shed" Really Rebel.. Who are you trying to impress? Go do some work.
  10. Heh just hope the proxy guys she got to first were clean. =D It's all fun and games until it burns when you pee. Getting tested is never fun. So much blood gets taken, and then the swab... yikes no one likes a swab from inside their dick.
  11. Is tired. These calls from midnight until after 3 everynight this week is getting old fast.

  12. Agreed. The drive was not as bad as I expected. The drive home was especially too fast.
  13. Could be! Geedub should have taken the hose to him Sunday morning as well. =D
  14. Yes on vent it's more difficult to get second hand geedub ball sweat on your face.... >.< It's ok though, when you kissed me goodbye, it was right where she had put it. giggle Toys? Hmm was there a sheep somewhere? I thought the cow was the only one. Maybe Rebel counted himself as one. =D
  15. Ok. But at some point your doctor is going to need to know.
  16. You'd been so generous over the weekend about giving your pole to other people, I only thought it was fair to give a little back.
  17. Interesting afternoon. Amazing night. Best vacation in a long time. Will be feeling it tomorrow will be long drive home lol.

  18. Agree completely. Best mini-vacation ever. Prydain, Yacoub... You both suck. Just incase you hadn't been reminded in the past 10 minutes.
  19. Sitting on i90.. blah parking lot.

  20. From the album: Unholy WTF?

    Mmmmm Liquor ‎1.75L of Grey Goose, 1.75L Jagermister, 1L 151, Some crown royal, hand pump and sexy jager bucket. I got mine! Giggle.
  21. Need a hair cut and to find a liquor store.

  22. Is full of waffles.

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