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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Is ready for tuesday and start of my vacation.

  2. Google navigation is sexy!

  3. Sheesh I miss one, yes count them I know you wont, one 25 man raid in the 11 months13 days we have been a guild and all this. One side note. Rebel when we meet in person can you slowly unzip your pants and say "Bare with me, this will be a long one." Please?
  4. I haven't missed a 25 man since ATR formed, this will be a first.
  5. Got stuff going on with car/job/life Today through tomorrow. I won't be at raid tonight 7/20, tomorrow night is up in the air.
  6. lord save me from crazy Chinese woman spouting off about politics at repair shop...

  7. is unhappy about 4am phone calls two nights in a row. TGIF

  8. thinks they have some sort of device to monitor my sleep. Wait for it, wait for it. REM sleep! GO GO GO CALL NOW GO

  9. 3 weeks. It is nice waking up and not coughing up a lung anymore. I know, weird right? lol

  10. furniture in place, carpet cleaned apartment no longer has essence of tobacco. It's a nice change.

  11. 1 week smoke free.

  12. Wooohooooo new content tonight!
  13. She never did say what the problem was. Hopefully the little comb helped out though.
  14. is pissed. Doesn't like it when friends get fired.

  15. I don't understand, why would you split up after downing LK?
  16. blah the feeling of poo continues.

  17. feels like poo. Blah I can't afford to be sick.

  18. Yay Prydain finally got out of high school!
  19. Hopefully you told someone you were leaving prior to today 5 hours before you're getting on a plane? lol
  20. Columbus Pride Weekend.... Hmmmm

  21. was up until 4 with work, then woken up 3 1/2 hours later for work, and still hasn't made it back to a pillow. FML

  22. I am all for Rebel on Video =D
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