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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Unholy

  1. Blaaaah too much to do today. And boss has asked I come in early on Monday to help research an issue the two others in my department gave up on. Happy Easter =X

  2. Since getting a loud clicky mechanical keyboard, my typing seems to be more flamboyant.. lol

  3. Love it here!

  4. First two real projects for two different groups went live this morning. No issues so far. Weird that I find it fun watching real data start to fill my tables? lol

  5. I'm very meeeeooooowwwwww HISSSSSSSSS today. Dunno why. lol but bring it on!

  6. Martha Stewart killed on the roast tonight lol

  7. New intern. Her first and last name have a combined 26 letters. Feel like a fool having to use a much shorter nickname. But come on!

  8. I've been binge watching Hannibal all weekend. Just over halfway through season two... May have some interesting dreams tonight lol

  9. Ah my favorite. Thanks Schmidt's Sausage Truck!

  10. Between the rain and fog I just want to go home and sleep. Better than snow and ice though!

  11. Have spent all day typing up manuals and code documentation for my first big project release. Weeee! Not looking forward to training other analysts with no programming experience how to make changes lol.

  12. Too much City BBQ. Ready for a nap I think.

  13. Ford is telling me I can go 10,000 miles between oil changes on my new car. Are they cray cray?

  14. Looking forward to some at least slightly warmer weather. Need to give the car a bath and heading to Findlay Saturday.

  15. Oh Alabama. Great job on continuing to be on the wrong side of history.

  16. So Friday I had to fix a 3,100 line stored procedure that, when it was working properly, took a few hours to run. It apparently hadn't been able to finish for nearly a week. I won't comment on the others who had been trying to fix it, or the so called DBAs that were of zero help. In one lonnnnng marathon programming session I re-wrote the entire thing, finishes in less than 4 minutes. =X I won't know until Monday if that is because i'm just that good, or if I have broken things horribly. It...

  17. First time looking at FB or the news today. RIP Leonard Nimoy That sucks. :(

  18. Senior Database Analyst should have Database Admin rights damnit. TAKE OFF MY SHACKLES!

  19. Man... Watched Idol first time this season... Is it me or do they all really suck? Especially compared to The Voice lol

  20. Belching a cream puff knockwurst isn't as disgusting as you might think.

  21. Schmidt's Sausage truck is at Fiserv today. Going to be a gassy afternoon :)

  22. Meeting with statistical analysts with names I can't pronounce. Think my brain melted. Math skills far beyond me, holy crap.

  23. Blah another bitter cold week. Also, 6 months ago I quit smoking, haven't had a single puff of anything since. Feel great and couldn't be happier. Unless of course it didn't feel like -11 outside. :(

  24. Just brewed my first cup. I like it.

  25. -7 really? Happy Friday!

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