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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Monday... Fuck off.

  2. Can I go on vacation again?

  3. So sore. Everywhere. Damn bald spot burned again. Great weekend :)

  4. Almost time for the one event a year that I always look forward to. ATR's 5th Annual Guild party =D

  5. Itching to setup my OOO email. Come on AMs get your info in so I can run these reports!

  6. Just have to get billing/revenue for the month done and then vacation starts! Come on Melonie! =D Cause you know, it's only you i'm waiting on. lol

  7. Bombs are flying people are dying Children are crying politicians are lying too Cancer is killing, Texaco's spilling The whole world's gone to hell but how are you? I'm super, thanks for asking All things considered I couldn't be better I must say I'm feeling super no, nothing bugs me Everything is super when you're, don't you think I look cute in this hat!

  8. After Veggie soup all week, and cabbage rolls today, hopefully neighbors don't file a noise complaint. =X

  9. If anyone likes The Sims, you can get The Sims 2 and all the expansions free on Origin using the code "i-love-the-sims"

  10. Man... More planes falling out of the sky, ebola popping up here and there... war... If the world is ending, have it hold off until after the weekend of August 8th please. Thanks!

  11. Happy Hump Day. May have had too much Veggie soup last night... Sounds like i'm setting off depth charges in here. =X

  12. Mmmmm beef on stove smells good. Vegetable Beef Soup in the works.

  13. Happy Monday! Just continuing to remind myself another week closer to vacation.. lol

  14. Haven't really paid attention to news or social media for the most part this week. Just looked at the news. Good lord. Shooting jet liners out of the sky, Israel/Gaza, Super Typhoons, immigrant children. That will teach me to take a break. Back to work!

  15. Chinese carryout two days in a row. Living dangerously!

  16. *yawn* Almost Friday!

  17. Sorry Neighbors, I am WFH once again, excuse my singing. Just be glad I have headphones =D

  18. Blah I really need to get my sleep schedule adjusted to WFH mode.

  19. Ah another day... At least it's another day closer to vacation. August needs to get here faster.

  20. Oh Monday, couldn't you have waited another day?

  21. Hmmm shave or let it grow. Just finished off some homemade tacos. Discovered large volume of taco sauce and sour cream on my beard... lol

  22. Ah fresh lemonade and some watermelon slices.

  23. Happy Friday peeps

  24. Hmmm thinking I-Hop to go this morning.

  25. Blah I hate doctors appointments. Even when it's just a checkup, they have to poke me. I'd *almost* rather be in the office. I don't wanna!

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