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Posts posted by Unholy

  1. 2 hours ago, OONicc said:

    We need to remove the Autobalace/Seeding plugins on all servers.

    I was in the Mixed Mode flying a jet and without any notice I was killed in action and switched to the oher team. 1Hit was there. Its a major pain in the ass.
    Happy can you pretty please with a cheery on top fix this :)

    Sent from my iPhone using ATR Gamers mobile app


    That is seeder related, nothing to do with honeybooboo's post. And yeah once server is full need to disable the "BalanceServerSeeders" plugin. Or need to find time to modify the code behind to have it not attempt to balance seeders once the server is above half. We cannot just disable all balance plugins for obvious reasons. On the other end of the spectrum we'll have the same people bitching that "stacked squads" are never getting broken up or balanced.


    Damned if you do...


    We'll review settings. There isn't going to be a solution that makes everyone happy.

  2. Moved to the Battlefield Forums since WoW has no idea what PBBans is.


    Normally I would remove a donation request topic post. But we have used PBBans for a long time and have no issue if users want to throw a little green at them.


    @DHGreenyI see in your post that you have been offered hosting from several GSPs and have so far declined. I understand wishing to maintain independence and not have to worry about getting dropped. We at ATR have brought up several times in meetings whether or not we wanted to reach out to a group like you or ACI to sponsor/partner/merge with. Our group spans multiple games, has been around for over 7 years, became a non-profit registered with the IRS and we're not going to disappear over night.


    So you have options. We'd be interested to hear what your server requirements are. My server/programmer team is certainly interested. Maybe we can come up with a solution allowing independence but also allowing for partnership.


    Happy (Nick)



  3. 1 minute ago, Varibash said:

    if we have little to no control over servers, I say it's not worth it, but i feel like DICE and EA look at the numbers of players online and active daily and i am willing to bet they won't make the same mistake with BF1 that they made with Battlefront.


    =D How much you wanna bet. Winnings donated to ATR. lol

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, morbe77 said:

    What are the benefits of owning your own servers if you cant control who you kick/ban or otherwise?


    It will depend. If we are still able to put messages out there, it basically comes down to advertising. Getting more people on our TeamSpeak, involved with our community. And of course ensuring the maps/modes our players want to play are available and popped. With just over a month to go there are a TON of questions that EA just hasn't answered. Has communities a bit worried.


    None of the current BF4 game providers were included in the Beta, so that leaves us to believe EA will be the ones providing the servers to play on. We assume they will allow renting servers, and we'll be renting them FROM EA instead of from NFO or Gameservers etc. So EA will have some kind of server setup, we just don't know yet what settings we can control, and what admin abilities if any at all we will have. It's been leaked that they do not have the normal backend admin channels that they had on BF3 and BF4, so our present tools will not work. 


    So the big unknowns: Can we rent servers? What server settings can we control? Will we be able to manage players (kick/kill/ban/move)? Can we yell/say messages and other things?


    If we can't even rent, this thread becomes moot. If we can rent but have 0 control of players and no ability to get our name out aside from the server title, probably going to be bad. lol

  5. 2 minutes ago, asmith19323 said:

    if we can't kick/ban players, i don't think we should spend money on servers. as for getting our name out in BF1, do we want our name on servers that are full of bigots, racists and cheaters?


    with that said i still plan on buying bf1 just not sure which level to get. i know for sure that i will wait to get premium until i can see how the game goes. 




    To an extent I absolutely agree with this. At the same time though the conversation that goes on in the servers will be the same experience regardless of what servers you join. So it wouldn't be like "Oh ATR lets these people on their servers, i'm going to go to a different server where it's not allowed" because all would be the same. If that is the case where we cannot remove players, the only benefit of having our own would be if there were specific modes we wanted to have up and available for members to play on, and assuming we could still spam join us/here is our TS messages to get more members. If we can't even do that, then yeah my desire to buy servers will drop to near 0 lol.

  6. Thanks to our donors and our cutting costs on web and other servers we are sitting pretty when it comes to what we have available for BF1. The original plan before finding out they may be severely limiting our ability to admin servers, was to go big. So if we had the support (players buying the game and planning on being available) we could launch 10 64 player BF1 servers out the gate without asking anyone for a single penny (remember "Donation Days"? lols), and still maintain our BF4 servers for the month.


    So really it's up to our player base on how much we want to invest to the first month of BF1 and go from there.

  7. So as we wait for an official announcement, the big question on everyone's mind is: If we are even able to rent servers, and it turns out that we can only control Maps/Rotations and a few other basic things, but cannot kick/ban/move players (get rid of the hackers/racists), what do we do?


    At this time I'm planning on leaving all our BF4 servers up and will not make any changes to them until after BF1 has been up for a month and we see what's what. So this is only in regards to BF1 servers.


    What are you all thinking? I'm torn between wanting to have our name out there in BF1 and getting those players and building the community, and saying fuck it and not buying servers and sticking to BF4 and having BF1 just be we invade other servers for those that buy it.


    Right now my leaning is toward getting a few servers, even if they are just official and seeing how it goes. I don't want to completely write off BF1 already just based on a Beta. Worst case we're out a few hundred in donations for the first month, but we've budgeted for it.


    If the not being able to kick/ban is true, then that hurts. Cheaters galore. 


    So vote on the poll what you all are thinking and comment below!




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