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ATR Seer
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Status Updates posted by Unholy

  1. Monday, go away.

  2. Blah been a long work day already.

  3. Well, that was an unplanned 20 hour work day. Time for bed :(

  4. Aaaaand just accidentally perm deleted last weeks e-mails. Happy Monday!

  5. Ah chicken & green bean casserole always smells so good cooking in the oven.

  6. So full... and it's warm and raining outside. Can I put a cot up by my desk? =D

  7. Gooooood morning! So looking forward to work today! *April Fools*

  8. Looking forward to the 30

  9. That awkward moment when the str8 drunk guy starts acting like a big ole girl. Buck up dude, we both know why I came over, lets get it done. Stop trying to have small talk, and for fuck sake we don't "hug it out" afterwards. Come on! *facepalm*

  10. Go home mother nature, you're drunk.

  11. Noooooooooooooo my big ass electric wok has finally kicked the bucket. RIP you gave me 10 years of your life.

  12. Man I was going to make Chicken/Green bean casserole tonight. But Melonie kind of talked me into Popeye's Chicken and Red Beans and rice... Jealous Marilou? =)

  13. lalalalala is it Friday?

  14. Is it time for bed yet?

  15. I keep thinking it is Sunday. Very annoying lol

  16. Cabbage Rolls tonight. Tomorrow be thankful majority in the office don't show up until my shift is halfway through. :)

  17. Allllmost Friday.. lol

  18. Pro: Pants fit better Con: Death... Should have known better than to try different Chinese place.

  19. Sooo tired. Just want to go take a nap. But noooo I get to go have my eyes poked at for yearly checkup.

  20. Not to jinx it, but this might be our first week in a while without snow.. lol

  21. Yay home. Bedtime lol

  22. Mmmm Dunkin' Donuts was a good call this morning.

  23. Ah Chili Cheese Burritos, great Breakfast =D

  24. Mmmm love the smell of 5 pounds of beef for Chinese food simmering. =D

  25. Why couldn't my fridge had died yesterday before I just refilled it and the freezer with food? Evil!

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