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ATR Leadership
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Everything posted by Ftfk

  1. Ftfk

    5/14 Late

    I will be leaving ohio at 4pm. Which means I will be back 7-730ish most likey. Will update with traffic. Closer to 8 I think
  2. Fuck ya. Awesome job to everyone who has worked hard over the past month and thanks to our new members who did exceptional as well!
  3. Ftfk

    Malk Strat

    Shadow priests can soak orbs every 90s, but since it looks like I am tanking now we will have to have someone else do it. Blood dk has lots of defensive CDs. Death strikes would be massive dps and healing return. Maybe even an unglyphed army of the dead could help (all of the army adds taunt).
  4. You are the proven defender.
  5. Seems like last Wednesday we kept having a recurring problem where banners were not being dps'd down fast enough. Here is WOL data from fights lasting greater than 5 mins and for people who did greater than 1%. A few things to take from this, 1.) we have some excellent melee dps (and in some attempts tanks) that were dpsing banners to assist range and 2.) there are some range that need to switch targets faster. We have a reprieve from nazgrim this week since we are going to be extending the raid lockout, but I would like to see a little more effort raid wide dpsing these banners down asap in future attempts. Attempt 1 Ftfk 7341571 16.0 % http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-n6h9z14puognzabu/details/22/?s=3455&e=3796'>P
  6. Ftfk


    Bumping since I posted this so long ago.
  7. Ftfk


    Apparently to get married I have to have a meeting with our sponsor couple Wednesday night. I will be unavailable on this day.
  8. Ftfk

    4-8 and 4-9

    I will be on. But, this hotel internet fluctuates from really good to really bad so my effectiveness may be limited.
  9. Even when core raider rank was solely time served based it still caused drama. Core raiders were expecting preferential treatment (sitting all bosses they didn't want to do, staying in on boss attempts after repeated failures). Personally I would prefer and more selective guild application and trial period and then raider ranks for all. The primary problem with this is that drama is happening cause of a different rank. If we formed 2 raid groups, then people would complain why they aren't with what they deem to be the best group. It all boils down to people worry too much about where they stack up against everyone else (dps charts, healing charts, ilvl, rank, etc.) instead of what they can do to improve themselves. I had to listen to someone throw several people under the bus because they played different classes or specs that were outperforming them or saying that people die on purpose to troll the raid.
  10. At this point I agree entirely. The whole point of core raider experiment was to modify the rank to try to make people more accountable and increase raid awareness. Before the changes, progression was get in the guild, stay in the guild a little longer and get raider, stay in the guild some more time past that and get core raider. Before these changes we had people who felt entitled to raid spots or get in on certain bosses because they were core raider and core raider had no accountability aside from punctuality.
  11. 3 weeks ago we had the edgeworth drama, sha of pride wager and drama, jordan peacing on protectors, and the iron juggernaut weapon/dkp drama. And before that it was all the ugarg drama and before that we weren't even having people show up for raids (without posting) and it looked like we weren't going to ever down protectors.
  12. I was saying that was a good place to start. I also followed up by saying dying to avoidable or mitigateable mechanics is a quick way to stand out for the wrong reasons.
  13. Ftfk

    Mage Dps

    Fellow cloth DPS, why are we fighting amongst ourselves when we should be uniting to hate our true enemy. Ele shamans.
  14. 550 min imo. That is easy to do with flex and ordos/celestial/crafting. Should also be enough HP to survive mechanics.
  15. Fuck. Seriously. Fuck.
  16. Ftfk

    Core Raider Criteria

    Criteria being considered for Core Raider rank can be found at the following: http://www.atremains.com/forums/topic/2800-core-raider-criteria/
  17. Raider Criteria: Required: Raid Attendance and good standing with guild during trial phase. Friends and family rank will no longer be allowed to gain raider rank by filling in for raids and meeting the attendance criteria doing so. Friends and family members who want to raid will need to apply through guild website and undergo trial process. Core raider criteria: Raid Awareness: Does not stand in avoidable damage, rarely fails mechanics. Measurable using world of logs to track deaths from these items. Soaking rifts, stacking, would also be tracked here. Attendance: Still required for core raider and tracked on spreadsheet. Notifications prior to raid on website do not negatively effect attendance. Teamwork: Minimal TS clutter. Constructive comments. Donates materials to gbank or feasts/carts. Non-douchiness. No drama. Provides valuable insight for encounters. Basically being a team player. Above and Beyond: Stepping up for extra or difficult mechanics, whether because you are volunteered or chosen. Things like tower groups, assembly lines.engineers... etc. Core raiders are people that have shown aptitude at a majority of these criteria. Core raiders will receive the following perks: Additional 100g for repairs Additional boss for boss wishlist Preference over raiders and trials for raid spots Able to request to be sat for fights *Criteria for core raider and core raider perks are subject to change and evolve with progression/expansions/time First batch of Core Raiders will be inducted tomorrow before raid. We will continue to evaluate core raider membership on a regular basis, so do not worry if you are not awarded core raider tomorrow.
  18. Expertly timed halo
  19. Ftfk

    WED 2/19

    I will be out of town on business and I am going with people so I will be expected go out Wednesday night instead of hanging out playing computer in my hotel room. Might be able to log in for last hour or so. -Fatty
  20. Ftfk

    Boss Wish List

    Hey. Want loot from a specific boss and want to be in raid for a chance to get it? Head over to the Dungeons & Raids forum to check out the new Boss Wish List. Register now for your dream boss today! http://www.atremains.com/forums/topic/2769-boss-wish-list/#entry12011
  21. What is the Boss Wish List? Boss wish list is new system we are implementing to maximize raid uptime and help raid leaders get you in on bosses that you really want. Anyone raider rank or higher is entitled to specify one boss that they would like to be in raid for. Prior to raid, raid leadership will evaluate this list weekly and plan the raid accordingly. We will do our best to try to sub you in for your wish list boss. How do I Sign Up for the Boss I Want? Easy. Just reply to this thread stating the in game name of the character you raid on and what boss you want to be your wish list boss. Example below: FTFK - Heroic Immersius The deadline for submitting an update to your wish list boss for a raid lockout is the Sunday before raid (2 days before our Tuesday raid). If you don't post any updates, we will rollover your wishlist boss from the previous week. In game whispers will not be used to update boss wish list. Heroic Bosses Immerseus - The Fallen Protectors- Norushen - Sha of Pride - Muln, flinz, dzt Galakras-Swurv Iron Juggernaut - FTFK Kor'Kron Dark Shaman - Budlyte, varlash, ninja General Nazgrim - Malkorok- Willshatner, aerozia, varkul, Manny, tych, arma, bud, justice, manny Spoils of Pandaria - Red, Ward Thok the Bloodthirsty Siegecrafter Blackfuse Paragons of the Klaxxi Garrosh Hellscream -
  22. Ftfk

    Feb 5th

    I got ATT iphone so I cant tether. Update. Due to weather I will also be traveling tomorrow as well. Got booked at a good hotel with good internet.
  23. Ftfk

    Feb 5th

    I will be out of town on business. I have put in for travel request for a hotel that I know has good internet. Lets hope its still available.
  24. Druid wasn't organized all nice and neat like the other classes.
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