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Everything posted by Mortelinnor

  1. I don't mind pushing Mythic for gear until Foundry comes out, as long as we do heroic highmaul for the FoS on a scheduled raid day before it goes away.
  2. The Aheadof the curve achievement won't be going away until the raid after Blackrock Foundry, so we have time. Got that from https://twitter.com/Nethaera/status/555439890255450112
  3. I wouldn't vote for either of those. My vote would go for ONE normal clear (7/7) during actual raid times so that people that are consistent on scheduled raids but can't show up for optionnal or pug it get to clear it. That would'nt even cut that much time off of our actual schedule, as a normal full clear would be quite fast. If the achievement is actually going away with foundry, then I'd vote for a full Heroic clear after that. If not, then I'd go with whichever boss we have the most chances to kill, but only if we come back for the Ahead of the curve achievement on scheduled days at a later date.
  4. Hello team! I have to work both evenings, sadly it was required for me to have all of my family vacations off. I'll be back and ready to raid starting next week. Sorry team!
  5. There's a surprisingly low amount of skulls on that picture. I thought we wiped more than that.
  6. Bash statement is pretty accurate. I speak of experience.
  7. My offspec has also always been healer, but since we have such a heavy healer core, I guess I won't be needed .
  8. So basically wait for guildies before starting your invasion quest on tuesday?
  9. I'm in too!
  10. Can't make raid, work OP. Sorry team, will do better next week (hopefully we still have enough by then).
  11. It seems like you won't be raiding anytime soon... Unless I suck at construction and fail to see how close you are to be done.
  12. You shouldn't mention Garrosh because they've been pushing a lockout for weeks thinking it was full heroic and they could get Garrosh. It was not. Needless to say, everyone was pretty pissed about it.
  13. Grats everyone! Note to future posters: Don't mention Garrosh.
  14. rip in peace Aerozia
  15. If you have the legendary cloak, then Ordos is really easy, people kill him regularly.
  16. You need the legendary cloak to fight Ordos, until 6.0. If you don't have it, then it'll be easy to kill him once 6.0 hit. As for Garrosh normal, you need to hurry. The achieve is available only until 6.0 hits, which should be in 1-2 weeks (3 at most). I wouldn't mind stepping in and helping a guildie get his mount if I'm available whenever enough people want to run it. EDIT: As for heroic, it is highly unlikely that you would be able to run it at that ilvl, as the 25 man is on break and the 10 man is pushing to try for a Heroic Garrosh kill before 6.0.
  17. Congrats to everyone who was part of the kill attempt. Good luck for paragons and Garrosh! P-S: That's the second worst kill screenshot ever. Right behind Dark Shaman's. You better not forget Garry screenshot like that!
  18. I thought heroic difficulty was becoming mythic (ie heroic gear as of now, will say mythic when 6.0 hit). In that case, the 10 man heroic will pretty much be a 10 man normal run.
  19. This may be a stupid question, but since I'm super leet and stuff and I'm the one asking, it should be an okay question: What happens when 6.0 hit? 10 man heroics are no more!
  20. I do not know what you are reffering to.
  21. Oh. Riiiiight. Gonna blame Held for the necro.
  22. Mastric has hallucinations! Drugs = bad!
  23. His point still stands. If any other tank above the age of 18 was to suddenly leave because of real life issues, such as a new job Schedule or lack of time to dedicate to raiding, it would screw you up just as much. This has nothing to do with his age, simply with the role he had.
  24. Rip Ward the Proven Defender
  25. With the catch up conquest points, you can easily farm arenas and quickly get your ilvl to 550ish. The only thing you'll have to get outside of PvP gear will be your trinkets. Once that is done for every member of the group, flex should be relatively easy to run. Then you can move on to normal. I would advise that you save your valor for tier pieces off of celestials, loot from Ordos, or flex trinkets and weapons. It will be much better spent there, considering you need to upgrade LFR pieces 4 times for it to be only slightly better than conquest PvP gear.
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