I would like to voice my conserns of our new core raider system. As of last night we have 16 core raiders and 6 Officers. Thats 22 People who expect to be part of first time boss kills. Leaving 3 spots for normal raider rank and trials. We are basicly back at everybody is entitled to a raid spot based soley off guild rank.
Seeing as Officers clearly cant be not guarenteed a raid spot the solution is a max number of core raiders at any 1 time. My suggestion is 10. Thats 16 guarenteed raid spots leaving 9 spots for everybody else plus any non attending officers or core raiders for the night.
Core raiders should be guarenteed a raid spot on all progression fights as well as bosses with best in slot loot with the remaining raiders using the boss wish list.
That being said here is what i feel should be the critiria for getting and keeping core raider.
-75% raid attendance, no excuses. That is 6/8 raid a month. Even if you post saying you cant be there if you drop below 6 attended raids in a 30 day period or lose core raider.
- On time to raid
-Exceptionally good play, Has a negligable amount of death to avoidable mechanics. 2 maybe 3 a week.
-Not toxic to raid environment. This encludes,loot drama, drama, bad attitude, constant talking about non boss mechanics during a boss.
-Activly participate in boss mechinics, IE. Rifts, interrupts , puddles, volenteering for towers or siege engeneers.
- Have a Microphone and be willing to use it, this allows you to help your fellow raiders out of raid time as well as properly communicate during bosses.
- Be willing to build, learn and play off spec if recuired by raid.
We should also have a list of mandetory loss of core raider, No if ands or buts, you do these you go back to raider.
- Habitually not following 1 or multipal critiria for being a core raider
The final point i have for core raider is it should be voted on. Officers choose a list of people they feel deserve core raider (currently 16 people) and make a poll for the raid to vote on so that there is minimal favritism as well as letting everybody feel like they have a say in whats going on in raid.