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ATR Leadership
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Everything posted by Gromn

  1. You have time, 330 is achievable through a set of heroic dungeon gear and a few pieces from mythic. Mort has been organizing mythic runs for people, if you need help let him know and we will get you in, hopefully with a few people of your same armor type so you can all share gear.
  2. give yourself to the void
  3. You have my bow spear.
  4. Good luck with your mythics, with the time you devote to the game and all of your characters im sure you will do well. And with your luck with mounts you'll have the damn mount the first time you kill argus..... also update your forum signature what year is this?
  5. Gromn


    Well, atm it looks like servers will be down until 8pm est so dont worry about it and youll jump in next week.
  6. Kevin and I looked at logs to see your rotation, abilities, and casts. Then equipped similar gear with frost legendaries on his mage. On a 3+ minute fight he was able to sustain 900k dps. It looks like you need to change one of your talents as well as do a little better during your conservation phase to line up with your cool downs. We can talk in a little bit more detail after the guild party but I think a few weakauras may help in managing some of these things.
  7. You have a good amount of gear with your 4 set and whatnot, I think you just need some practice. Pika has been playing with it a little bit and offered to give you some pointers since he has been playing mage for so long. I would rather you get better then just switch back and forth. I think you can get much more dps out of a little playstyle/ rotation improvements.
  8. please vote only once
  9. Gromn


    No problem, thanks for the heads up.
  10. Playlist of ToS boss fights
  11. until
    Raid days, come kill bosses and get loot
  12. until
    Raid days, come kill bosses and get loot
  13. Follow the link, and check out these "minimalist" boss strategies to familiarize yourselves for next week and further. http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/6517-World-of-Warcraft-Tomb-of-Sargeras-Minimalist-Raid-Guide
  14. Gromn


    No problem, Thanks for the heads up.
  15. No problem Grukara, hope everything works out and you're able to jump back into the mix.
  16. As sad as we would all be to see you go, I wish you the best in anything you do. That being said, the only reason we don't do any mythic atm is bodies willing at this point of the tier, if we were to get done with heroic sooner, this tier we had some setbacks with people leaving/stepping down, we would venture into mythic if we had the attendance as that would be the natural progression.
  17. Gromn


    No problem Smerf, take care of yourself first.
  18. - For the raid clear
  19. EPGP loot rules explained: In our raid we use an EPGP (effort points, gear points) loot system. How this works is, you get effort points at set intervals during raid and killing a progression boss for the first time, and gear points whenever you receive a piece of loot (price varying on the loot determined by the addon). Your EP divided by your GP is is your Priority or PR, when more than one person wants an item, the one with the highest PR receives the item. When an item is distributed if you are eligible for the loot, meaning you can equip it, you will see five options appear next to the item. The buttons are organized in descending order from by both GP cost and roll priority. What this means is that if one person chose to bid “mainspec” and another chose “minor upgrade” the mainspec button will win automatically over the “minor upgrade” regardless of the players personal PR, the same applies for the rest of the buttons. GP Cost The GP cost of an item per button and each button's function is as follows. Mainspec: 100% Item cost The item is at full cost, use this option if it is a “Best in slot” or a major upgrade for you. Minor Upgrade: 10% Item cost This item is discounted but will have lower priority than mainspec. Use this option if a piece is a minor upgrade for you, is not a “Best in slot” or if it is only situationally better. This option is there so you can still get small upgrades without worrying about hurting your PR so badly. Offspec/Gamble: 0% Item cost This item costs you nothing, but will have lower priority than minor upgrade. Use this option only when bidding for an offspec piece of gear or for a tier piece that is only better if it titanforges and you don't wish to pay GP for chance at an upgrade. If multiple people choose this option and no one bids one of the higher buttons, the lootmaster will call for a /roll in raid to determine the winner. Trade for shard: 1 current epic enchanting shard This item will cost you the epic shard the guild bank would have gotten it it were disenchanted, but has the lowest priority of all the buttons. Use this if you want an item for transmog. Pass: If you do not want an item use this option, if everyone passes the item will be disenchanted and use to fund the enchants that we try to provide to the raid team. Alts in main raid nights: At a certain point in the raid tier, leadership may determine that raiders may bring their alts on normal clears. During these runs group loot will be used on an honor system (aka don’t be a dick to your team), chose need if you need it for your main spec, greed if you need it for your off spec, and pass if nothing else. In the rare chance that something titanforges to be an upgrade for a main, alts are asked to give that item to the main that rolled the highest. Any alt in the raid is also required to give a “buy in” of 10 of the current shards to one of the officers in the raid at the start, at the time of this post it is Chaos Crystals. A minimum Item level will also be enforced for alts joining in the run determined for each raid. EPGP resets going into each tier: Each tier we will perform a partial EPGP wipe. GP for everyone will be reset to base and EP will be hit with a 75% decay. This in general terms will “forgive” all of your GP you've accumulated throughout the tier while providing a slight advantage to people who attend raid the most often. On time bonus: To reward players to make the effort to arrive to raid promptly will receive an extra 2 ticks of EP. Decay: Lastly we have decay. Periodically the addon will automatically do a small decay to both EP and GP. This over time keeps people at a relatively close range for PR to discourage EP hoarding and give newcomers a chance to catch up. In short don’t be afraid to bid on loot as it will even out in time. The addons: These are required if you wish to receive loot or view your PR standing. EPGP Lootmaster http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/epgp_lootmaster EPGP (DKP Reloaded): http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/epgp-dkp-reloaded
  20. Gromn


    Thanks for the heads up, happy birthday.
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